sábado, agosto 16, 2008

Ballad Of

An Outlaw Woman

Anne McCue

sexta-feira, agosto 15, 2008

quarta-feira, agosto 13, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen...




Dana Falconberry

Love Will Never

Leave You Alone

Dana Falconberry



Dana Falconberry

Dana Falconberry

"if i could i would make time go backwards
the river would run upstream
and everything i've lost would come back floating"
Dana Falconberry

terça-feira, agosto 12, 2008

12 / 08 / 2008

god knows how i adore life
when the wind turns on
the shores lies another day
i cannot ask for more

when the time bell blows my heart
and i have scored a better day
well nobody made this war of mine

and the moments that i enjoy
a place of love and mystery
i'll be there anytime

oh, mysteries of love
where war is no more
i'll be there anytime
Beth Gibbons / Mysteries


all the love
all the love inside me
is on it's way
is on it's way to find you
don't try to hide
from my love for you

all the love
all the love inside me
is on it's way
is on it's way to find you
like the tide
i'll always return to you

and all the love
all the love inside you
it's for me
in the dooms in the tall grass
you said and smiled
you're the only one
that could ever tease me

all the love
all the love inside you
diffuse me still
getting closer to you
only sure
sing your love
to the stars
they're the guiding me
back to you

The Love

all the love
all the love inside me
feels your breath
upon my back hand
here's your song
would cause me home
if i could tell you
of all the things i've seen

all the love
all the love inside them
at lack to wait
for its own protection
for so long
became just a memory

and all the love
all the love inside them
twisted into hate
they have no choice to
pass on the fear
pass on the pain
pouring down into the child
into the man
into the world
glued to love
the gun that's in his hand

all the love
all the love inside me
fell like the draught
in a petty ocean
had to stop
looked at my hands
and my fingertips
trembling at the thought
of touching you

Tindersticks /// *

segunda-feira, agosto 11, 2008

My Side

Of Your Story